SLCZF 2023

News in brief: For the second year in a row, a handful of copies of the second issue of Folly Ground will be on sale only for today (16 July) at the communal table of the South London Comics and Zine Festival. This is a small but much anticipated festival, featuring a number of established as well as new creators active in the British comics and zine scene. It is taking place today at Stanley Arts in South Norwood from 12.00 till 18.00. If you are able to attend, don’t miss it. It is well worth the journey. More details at Stanley Arts.

Issue No. 2 has arrived!

I am very happy to announce that the spanking new second issue of Folly Ground is finally ready to be read and perused after a long gestation period. You will find it waiting for you here. As is the case with many others who create comics and zines, Folly Ground is produced in my spare time, and as such is a labour of love. If you have friends and family whom you think they’ll enjoy reading it, please spread the word. A good recommendation goes a long way. I’d also be happy to receive any constructive feedback, if any, in the Comments section below. In the meantime, happy reading!

SLCZF 2022

A quick round of news! I was very excited to participate with printed copies (finally!) of the first issue of Folly Ground at the South London Comic and Zine Fair (SLCZF). The one-day fair took place today at Stanley Arts in South Norwood Hill. Copies of FG were on sale at the Communal Table alongside a variety of other zines and comics, and there were also stalls selling the work of established creators and publishers in the British comics and zine scene. Although it was my first, and rather modest, participation in such a fair, the experience was very exhilarating, and I hope to take part in similar fairs in the not too distant future. The image from the fair is from SLCZF’s Instagram account.

Also, the second issue of Folly Ground is almost complete, and I hope to upload it on this site before the end of the summer. Date to be confirmed. There will also be a limited number of printed copies sometime in autumn.

Watch this space!

HNY 2022

Καλή χρονιά σε όλους κι εύχες για ένα εμφανώς βελτιωμένο 2022.
Happy New Year. Here's hoping that 2022 is an improvement from the year before.